Website Design

The United Way of Central Maryland

Providing What’s Needed, Where It’s Needed


The United Way of Central Maryland strengthens lives and neighborhoods across Greater Baltimore by promoting equity and increasing access to basic needs.


Renee Beck, Vice President, Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer


Website Design

WordPress Development

Responsive Design

Accessible Design

Project Scope

Over the course of a year, we collaborated closely with United Way to design and develop a website that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. Our goal was to organize content effectively, ensuring that visitors can easily access vital information while enhancing the overall user experience. We aimed to embody modern design principles by creating a clean, contemporary aesthetic that aligns with United Way's mission and integrates responsive design for accessibility across all devices. Additionally, we sought to showcase their brand by building the website on a custom WordPress platform, tailored to their unique needs, establishing a strong brand presence that reflects their commitment to equity and community service.

Challenges and Solutions

During the development of the United Way of Central Maryland website, we faced several challenges that required creative problem-solving and meticulous planning. One of the primary challenges was organizing a vast amount of information in a way that was both accessible and easy to navigate. With over 100 pages on the site, it was crucial to ensure that visitors could quickly find the resources and services they needed without feeling overwhelmed. To address this, we implemented a user-friendly navigation structure and strategic content placement, allowing for effortless browsing and a seamless user experience.

Another significant challenge was managing the sheer size of the site while maintaining optimal performance and load times. With a project of this scale, it was essential to optimize every page for speed and responsiveness. We leveraged advanced caching techniques and minimized resource-heavy elements, ensuring the site remained fast and efficient across all devices.

Additionally, the project required us to integrate United Way’s existing brand elements into a modern design that would resonate with their audience. This meant balancing their established identity with a fresh, contemporary look. Our solution was to collaborate closely with United Way’s team throughout the year-long project, iterating on design concepts until we achieved a perfect blend of tradition and innovation.

By overcoming these challenges, we were able to deliver a website that not only meets United Way’s needs but also enhances their ability to connect with and serve the community.


The newly launched website effectively captures the essence of United Way's dedication to creating positive change in Greater Baltimore. Through strategic content organization, modern design, and a strong brand presence, the site serves as a powerful tool for engaging the community and showcasing United Way’s impact. This achievement was made possible through a highly collaborative process, where both our team and United Way’s team worked closely together to ensure every detail aligned with their mission and vision. The final product is a testament to what can be accomplished when two teams unite with a shared goal, creating a digital platform that is as functional as it is inspiring.

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Agency 102

Providing What’s Needed, Where It’s Needed

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