Get Going with Social Media in the Next 10 Minutes
Don’t Be Afraid of Social Media Marketing
Websites are the most powerful means of communicating your message and driving your audience to make contact. But how do you get people to go there? And how do you amplify the message you’ve worked so hard to develop? It’s simple. Social media. We can get pretty deep into social media strategy, but for the moment let’s take a broad look at the impact. Learn why the time to start is now, or it’s the time to keep up with what you’re doing, but with a well-structured plan.
So What’s the Big Deal?
For starters, you can share your message in seconds. There’s no better way to make direct contact so quickly … and so targeted. We’ll help you to determine where your targeted audience lives online. One aspect of how we will determine that is by reviewing the platforms where your competitors are finding success, which leads us to …
Social media helps you stay competitive. When you follow other businesses like yours online, you gain insights into what they’re up to and what their customers — your prospects — are responding to most. Take note of which topics or types of posts attract the most engagement and consider how you can develop content with that same appeal but in your own creative way.
It’s a way to stand out. Show you’re different. Why should they choose you? What is it that you do that you can deliver better than anyone else? People naturally personify companies on social media. Show them your personality!
You can promote a specific campaign, a new service or product, or an existing service area that you want to grow. It’s easy to test different content around these goals to learn how to gain the best response.
Become the authority. Put yourself out there on social media as the subject matter expert and that’s who you will become. You can build thought leadership around anything, from wine tasting to conference planning.
But There’s More To It
Any business can benefit from everything we’ve talked about so far. We think of those as the Left Brain results — what’s measurable, well-defined, and logical.
At Drio, for our own social media strategy, Hazel and I build it from the perspective of the Right Brain, too. For us, it’s about strengthening relationships, sharing feelings of success, and what matters most to us at the emotional level.
A few examples: With testimonial posts, we can show the trust that our clients have in us and how hard we work to make them love what we did for them. When we spotlight recently completed projects, we’re able to bring attention to our clients’ businesses and show our admiration. We seldom walk away from a project where we didn’t fall in love with the client! At the same time, project posts can give a potential client a taste of what they can expect.
Another post type (what we call a “storyline”) are posts that relate to our fierce commitment to supporting female entrepreneurs. It’s a huge part of who we are. A final storyline is the personal post, where we can be a bit fun or quirky, and clients get to know us individually.
Are You Convinced?
Then let’s get started. We can do any or all of the following: consulting, planning, content, scheduling, and execution. Every business has its own objectives and different audiences they are trying to reach, so our services will vary and so will the strategy. If you’ve been overwhelmed by the thought of making social media a part of your marketing strategy, or if you’ve been dabbling on various social media platforms and don’t know how well you are doing, contact us for a free consultation.